Comparison: GA-3002 vs. NDX-XXXX

OMC (Okazaki Manufacture Co) had been the world leader of functional electrolysis water technology, who is recognized as some top technology in Japan even in the world, The technology was with some over 40 years’ R&D and 1,000 industrial patents.

The industrial electrolysis water Ionizer NDX-XXXX was designed by Chairman Okazaki Tatsuo in 1977 and has been commercialized in factory for couple of years. However, it was found from the NDX-XXXX customers’ feedbacks that some defects of the inner structure would cause malfunctions happened.

In order to improve NDX-XXXX, in 2011 Chairman Okazaki designed the new model, the GA series, which is an optimizing and enhancing electrolysis water Ionizer. The full name is Golden Alkalizer and the model names are GA-3000, GA-3001, GA-3002.

The improvements and optimized performances of GA Series from the old NDX-XXXX model are listed in the table below:



(using by T Co.)
(using by V Group)
GA's merits
Year of Design 1977
Started machine designs
2011 For model and systems Improvement/Optimization
Operation System By relay cords PLC and Operation mode adjustable Machine Operation record-able and operation mode adjustable
Rectification of Automatic Reverse Wash Switching Mechanism Set-up of rubber “Reverse wash switch by butterfly valve” and gasket atop of each Electrolysis chamber for the reverse wash , the rubber valves and O- ring of switch valve will crack and deteriorate after long hours operation and resulted the inner leakage (unable check exteriorly); intermixing of acidic water into alkaline ionized water which affects the taste or caused quality problems。 production. Rectified as the Special “Reverse Wash Tank ” (patents applied )

The new-type Special “Reverse Wash Tank” rectifies the auto reverse wash structure from previous model.

Acidic ionized water will not mix into alkaline ionized water and assures the water taste and the quality of production.

Electrolyzer Exchange Alert No Yes Ensure the quality of production.
Electrolytic Regulator 5-step regulator 7-step electrolytic regulator (0-6) Adjust the electrolysis current for production expected.
Water Saving   Yes.
3/4 for alkaline- and 1/4 for acidic ionized water and saving about 500 L feed water per hour per machine.
Green water-saving water saving technology by GA model.
Efficiency and Effectiveness of Electrolysis   About half of the electrode room (i.e. distance between anode /negative electrode) The electrolysis efficiency is double than previous model. Amplified electrolytic separation enabling higher level and stability of pH of alkaline ionized water production.
Electrode of Electrolyzer Nil Approx. doubled thickness of electrolysis chamber for the platinum-plated electrode than previous model. Optimized electrolyzer for more stabler electrolysis and premium of production.
Machine Floating Sensor Not available Yes Automatic stopping the machine upon abnormal of inner water pressure to prevent the transformer from damage or the malfunction of the electricity valves.
Water Proof of electrolysis chamber devices Not available Yes
Installed Water Proof on the electrolysis chamber devices and prevent water leakage which may cause the short circuit or chambers damage
Water Proof on the electrolysis chamber devices so that prevent from the short circuit or chambers damage
Interior Water / Leak-proofing Not available Yes Additional water/leak-proofing in machine interior
Device for Homogenization of Interior Water Supply Not available Yes Rectified with homogenization of inner water supply; stabilized inner water supply and enhances production quality.
Simplified the Machine inner Water hoses and cords Configuration Not available Yes Enlarge machine inner space for maintenance service work.
Enlargement of Machine Frame Approx. 155kg Approx. 275kg Enlargement of Machine Space for maintenance more easily.
Industrial Design Right and Patents Patent expired Owns the industrial design right and patents With the ownership of industrial design right and patents.
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