Market Trend of Bottled Water

1. Global market development of bottled water:

According to the report of Global Information Institution indicated that bottled water is a unique phenomenon of the beverage industry. After the large-scale commercialization in the 1970s, the bottled water market has fast growing over the world. The global bottled water (canned drinking water) market is anticipated to reach US$ 11.7 billion in 2013, and keep growing at 10.7% CAGR for the following 5 years, and will reach US$ 19.54 billion in 2018.


2. Global Growth Rate of Bottled Water Consumption:

Global Growth Rate of Bottled Water Consumption
Global Growth Rate of Bottled Water Consumption


In addition, the data of Euromonitor, a market survey company, indicated that the bottled water consumption in China has grown by about 100% over the past five years; the data of Canadian, another market survey company, also indicated that the bottled water consumption of China has exceeded that of USA in 2013; therefore, China has became the largest bottled water consumption country in the world, whose consumption has increased from RMB$ 19 billion to RMB$ 37 billion. Besides, the global bottled water consumption ratio of China has increased by 100% since 2006.

Manufacturers or Okazaki's Technogy Applied

Taiwan Salt Ocean Alkaline Ion Water

Taiwan Salt Ocean Alkaline Ion Water,Taiwan

New Trend for Bottled Water Market Shares in Taiwan

2017 Taiwan Bottled Water Consumer Market Shares

2017 Taiwan Bottled Water Consumer Market Shares

Mineral water 35.3%  Functional water 35.1%  Pure water 28.3%

Flavored water 0.8%  Others 0.5%

Read more: New Trend for Bottled Water Market Shares in Taiwan

News of the alkaline ionized water market in Japan

The Bottled Water Market Share on 2007 in Japan

“( )” represents main brand.

 SUNTORY (natural water) 20.3%

 Kirin (alkaline ioned water) 18.5%

 Coca-Cola Group (ShuiSenHuo) 13.4%

 HOUSE FOOD (LiuJia water) 7.7%


 Others 33.7%

Kirin alkaline ionized water

According to the Japan Economical Journal report indicated the bottled water market share of Japan during 2007 was as follows:

  1. The market share of SUNTORY Natural Water was about 20%.
  2. The market share of KIRIN Alkaline Ionized Water was about 18.5%.
  3. The market share of Coca-Cola ShuiSenHuo (RO Water) was about 13%.

From above report shows the market share of Japan Kirin Alkaline Ionized Water is about 18.5%, which ranked the No. 2 sales volume in the bottled water in Japan.

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